DIY: Distressed Jean Shorts

Earlier in the week, I purchased a high-wasted pair of pants from a local thrift store in my area. I didn't like them very much as jeans, so I transformed them into a cute pair of cut-off distressed shorts!
It's super easy...
Things you will need:
-Rubber Gloves
-Bleach (mines Clorox, but any bleach works)
-A spray bottle 
-Scissors or Blade
-Washing Machine 

First, cut your jeans to the desired length. 
Then, if you want to lighten your jean shorts or acid wash them, fill a spray bottle with bleach. 
I sprayed mine with a light mist so they would lighten, but if you want splotches of bleach then you might want to pour your bleach on the shorts and wait 30 minutes.

Throw them in the wash to distress the ends and wash out the bleach (if you used bleach.)

With a blade or scissor, rub the blade back and fourth fast to made the distressed holes. 
Once you make several holes in a spot, instead of rubbing the scissors back and fourth, rub up and down to make the strings a little more apparent. 

And this should be your finished result!

If you make these shorts, leave me a comment or email a picture!
Have fun, and stay classy :)
Don't forget to follow me!
Love, Serena


  1. i've made the same one last week xD
    its really fun xD

    come and see my blog if you have time <3

    1. I know, it was so much fun! I will definitely check out your blog!

  2. Great DIY! I will try it but I'm not sure how good I will do hehe, I don't wear jeans very much so if I fail it won't be too bad! Following you now xx

    1. thank thank you! I will definitely check out your blog!

  3. Fantastic post!

    I am now following your blog!



  4. Hey! I found you through the blog hop! I am your newest follower, and I LOVE your blog! Check mine out if you want too!

  5. Hi there x
    Found your lovely blog through the Bloghop - Im doing the Bloghop too would you like to follow each other ? xx
    Drop by my blog and leave a comment and I will be sure to follow back xx

  6. such a unique post! thank you, i will be coming back to this later to try it myself. i found you from the blog hop!

    1. Thank you! I will definitely follow back!

  7. This is a great post. I love the looks of distressed jeans. I shall definitely try your tutorial one day.


    (I have returned the follow)


  8. So if you spray them with bleach to lighten them, do you wash the bleach down with water and then put it in the bottle to make it a bit less strong? i dont want my shorts to become white, i just want them a little lighter. let me know please and thank you

    1. My jeans lightened a little bit by just using bleach, it didn't make them too white! If you're really worried try to test it on a pair of jeans that are too small. For me it worked just fine though I just sprayed them lightly a couple of times!

  9. The shorts turned out great! I just found your blog, and fell inlove with it! I hope you take time to visit my blog too :)


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I'm 15 years old and love to share my love of fashion with the world.